Sawmill Work: Rough Cut Lumber, Black Walnut Slabs, Posts, Beams

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Edinburg, NY
United States
A portable sawmill and construction company in Edinburg, New York part of the southern Adirondacks.
Nineteen Foot Logs
Frank Agosta using a metal detector to check for obstructions in this nineteen foot white pine log
Black Walnut Slab
Beautiful wood grain detail in this black walnut log.
Black Walnut Slab #2
Creamy white sapwood and dark chocolatey hardwood details in this black walnut wood grain.
Drying Shiplap
Rough cut shiplap stacked and drying for a post and beam home in Day, NY.
Stacked Rough Cut
Rough cut lumber stacked to dry for a customer in Edinburg, NY
Pine Beams
16 foot pine beams drying for a post and beam horse barn
Norwood HD36 LumberPro Sawmill
Darcie Burroughs, with her late dog Bear, sitting on a large white pine being milled for live edge slabs.
Sawmill In Action
Mark Burroughs sawing beams on a milling site for a client in Warrensburg, NY.