Renovations: Kitchen, Decks, Additions, Porches

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Edinburg, NY
United States
A portable sawmill and construction company in Edinburg, New York part of the southern Adirondacks.
Kitchen Renovation
Before and after images of a modern kitchen renovation in Northville, NY
Tongue and Groove Pine Ceilings
In progress for a customer in Northville, NY.
Installing Tongue and Groove Pine Ceilings
In progress, with sleek cherry stain.
Tongue and Groove Pine Ceilings: Cutting to Size
In progress
Progress Shot: Custom Deck Roof
Beams and collar ties for this deck roof were sawed on our Norwood Sawmill.
Progress Shot: Roof Detail
Tongue and groove roof decking with rough sawn beams and collar ties.
Trex Deck
Gray Trex composite deck with black aluminum railing built for a client in Gloversville, NY
Trex Deck
Gray Trex composite deck with black aluminum railing built for a client in Gloversville, NY
Deck Renovation
Before and after photos of corner log end replaced with beautiful red pine at a home in Galway, NY
Floating Shelves
Pine floating kitchen shelves in modern home for a client in Westchester, NY
Shiplap Walls and Ceiling
Rough cut shiplap walls and ceiling installed in a one room camp in Edinburg, NY
Progress Shot: Camp Renovation
Rough cut shiplap walls installed in a one room camp in Edinburg, NY