Barns: Pole Barns, Horse Barns, Post and Beam Barns

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Edinburg, NY
United States
A portable sawmill and construction company in Edinburg, New York part of the southern Adirondacks.
Monitor Style Horse Barn
A 36 foot by 48 foot monitor style, post and beam horse barn with board and batten siding.
Progress Shot: Post and Beam Barn
The skeleton post and beam framing of a horse barn. The beams were notched in by chainsaw.
Progress Shot: Roofing
Underside of the roof gable end of a post and beam horse barn.
Progress Shot: Metal Roofing
Charcoal metal roofing installed on post and beam horse barn.
Progress Shot: Custom Barn Door
Rough cut lumber and tongue and groove assembled to make 12 foot barn doors.
Pole Barn Extension
A 40 foot by 70 foot pole barn with roof and lean to extension
Pole Barn
A 40 foot by 70 foot pole barn with metal siding and lean to.